Monday 30 May 2011

Well this is my first blog - ever! so please be patient with me if I don't blog everyday!

Its only 28 days until I go to France and that is going to come around very fast! So at the moment I am just trying to keep my training up and worrying about the big mountain climbs I will be doing...yikes!

Since winter is here and I hate going out in the cold, I now use my really cool indoor trainer. Its a Tacx VR traing which basically means that you connect it to your computer and I like to use the real life videos, so I can climb Mt Ventoux and Alpe du Heuz and it really feels like I'm climbing the real thing! I also have some flat rides so I can do my sprint intervals that I so love! not...I can get 671 watts on a sprint now, now I know that may seem rather pitiful compared to Mark Cavendish 1600 watts but its good for me! Hoping I will improve...

Other than working and riding my bike, I am counting down the days YAY!!!


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