Sunday 26 June 2011

2 More Sleeps To Go and Counting...

Its Sunday night already, so that means its only 2 more sleeps to go- YAY!!!

I spend most of yesterday packing my stuff, actually I packed the most important things first - my bike stuff, so still need to sort out what clothes I want to take with me. I had to go hunting for my summer clothes, they were all hidden away in the bottom of my drawers (well it is winter here!)

Had a mission trying to get the pedals off my bike, they weren't going to give up without a fight, so I enlisted the help of neighbour Greg, who after huffing and puffing and taking the skin off his knuckles, finally got them off.

Other than that I am pretty much packed and ready to go! Luckily the ash cloud from Chile doesn't seem to be affecting any airlines except Qantas and Jetstar - and I'm flying Singapore Airlines and they seem to be flying as normal, so fingers crossed its all go on Tuesday.

Anyway here's a pictures to finish - can you guess who this is? Hint - he's my favourite rider...
Yep, its Jakob Fuglsang

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