Sunday 19 June 2011

9 Days to Go...

Its only 9 days to go...can you tell I'm just a little excited about going to the Tour de France?

I was busy writing a list of things to pack over the weekend, and quite frankly my bike gear takes up most of the space! If I didn't take any bike clothes, helmet and shoes, my suitcase would be mostly empty!

Seems Leopard Trek is going well at the Tour de Suisse, Andy Schleck has the green jersey and Jakob Fuglsang is in 6th place on the GC - hopefully they will be on form for the TdF.

It was a quiet weekend for aftershocks and volcano ash clouds - nothing to report really, and hopefully it goes on like that!

I have a book that was produced recently which is called "You Know When Your CHCH When..." its a little book written with all the funny sayings and quotes from the earthquakes which people submitted to a facebook page. Here is a few of the sayings that gave me a few giggles

"You sleep in one suburb, shower in another, collect water from another, and go to the toilet where you can" (so true!)

"Your ensuite has a vege garden, a dog kennel and grass"

"Digging a hole and pooping in your garden is no longer weird" hahahah I can't say I miss the outdoor toiley!

Damn, I think I just caused another aftershock by saying we haven't any of note today...

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