Monday 6 June 2011

More Earthquakes

I am so sick of these damn earthquakes! another 5.5 this morning had the lights swinging and my heart racing - I'm thinking of moving to France or Texas (Cindy, make up the spare bed!).

Anyway since winter is here I have been looking back at my TT times from last season-
Best time: 30.42mins
Worst time: 32.59
The course is a 16km out and back course which is flat, but slightly downhill on the way back, though there is usually a wind blowing on the way back so it really cancels out the downhill benefit! Looking forward to seeing how the pros do it at the Tour de France this year.

On a cute note, this is the Ginga Ninja, who loves to display himself in front of the fire, he has such a hard life!

As I am just about to finish today's blog another aftershock has just rumbled through (yes you can hear them coming) Grrrr....


  1. Those darn earthquakes! Pack your things and get over here to Texas!

  2. I may just turn up on your doorstep Cindy! Woohoo!!!
