Friday 3 June 2011

A Day in the Life of a Bike Mechanic - Me

Well today I was a bike mechanic - "No she's not!" I hear you say - but yes its true for one day a week

I decided I needed to learn more about my bike so, I went to my local (bike shop that is, not the pub) and asked if I could do some work experience on Fridays. Darryl kindly agreed to take me on and teach me all things mechanic. So today was my first day, and I eagerly showed up at 8.30am for work.

In a nut shell I put a bike back together - cranks, rear cassette, chain and tuned the gears and lastly cleaned it. Its was really good experience as I have never put anything mechanical back together, and, by some miracle it all works properly and changes gears like a 20 year old brown painted MTB should! (don't ask why the owner had painted it brown) So I was feeling very proud of myself, next stop: Pro team mechanic.

Next week I can bring in my own bike to work on if we aren't busy.

Also a watts update - last night I did 746 watts, its getting harder to go any faster!


  1. I am so impressed that you are a bike mechanic apprentice. I have actually thought about doing the same thing so that I could become more knowledgeable about my own bike. You rock!


  2. Its actually really good fun and I'm not as useless as I thought I was! Its much better when you have a good teacher too, and doesn't mind showing you everything (as well as answering the thousand questions I have!)
