Saturday 2 July 2011

1st Bike Day

Today was the first time on our bikes, though the TdF hasn't started yet, we went and ride the 1st 65km of the 1st stage. Its starts at the Passage du Gois, which is a road covered at high tide but at low time there magically appears a road!
The rest of the way was a really nice ride and followed where the TdF goes tomorrow (so all the roads have been freshly ahspelted again - awesome) we also happened to come across the Lampre Team at a cafe, so had a bit of a chat to them.

Brandy and Me at the "other side"

We got back to the hotel about 3pm and because we hadn't had lunch yet and we were so hungry, we went straight to the cafe with our bike clothes on! later on most of the tour group went out for dinner together.

Tomorrow we ride another 65km which is on the TdF stage and get to see the finish line, so we are all looking forward to seeing the riders

1 comment:

  1. The photos are fantastic. I didn't realize that the Passage du Gois was a road that was covered by water at high tide. Did you find any sea creatures? It looks like you are having a great time. Thanks for letting us tag along via the blog.
