Sunday 3 July 2011

Stage 1 - TdF

Today was stage 1 of the TdF, it started at the Passage du Gois (which is where we biked over yesterday) and ended in Mont des Alouettes.

We biked from the hotel to the last 15km of the finish, so it was about a 60km ride, and it was a nice ride too, with a few photo stops on the way. I got quite sunburnt yesterday despite putting on sunscreen and today I got another dose of the sun and was looking red again!

Once we reached the last 15km of the finish we got on the bus and drive to the finish. There were so many people lining the roads and streets, it was amazing how excited they get when the bus goes past!

this was about 100m from the finish

We were in one of the VIP areas which was really cool as all the food and drink was free! YAY! and we were about 50m from the finish - which was an uphill sprint, so none of the sprinters actually won cos it was really too steep for them. The stage was won by Philppe Gilbert, followed closely by Cadel Evans. There was a crash about 8.5km from the finish which held up Berty Contador (what a shame)and a few others, but more importantly not the Schlecks!

It was an awesome day both riding and watching, and tomorrow is the team TT which will be really cool to watch and we also have passes to get into the start village so we can see them warm up.

Interestinly enough it is after 10pm here and its still very much daylight, makes it had to go to sleep!

This is our little viewing area

2 riders which I have no idea who they are!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful start for the TdF. I really thought Cadel might take the stage. Still very happy for Phillipe Gilbert AND THE SCHLECKS!!!!

    The Team Time Trial tomorrow will be interesting. I wonder how prepared the SAXOBANK team will be for this stage.
