Thursday 14 July 2011

Crossing the Finish Line and Stalking Leopard Trek...

Yesterday we got to cross the finish line on our bikes again - and me being me had to be first across the line...again!!!! two from two!

This a video of Thomas (aka Le Velo Boy) doing his version of the Le Velo dance just after we crossed the line, you can see the actual Le Velo clip on my facebook, its really funny!

Then we got to stand on the podium (while the music is playing) and pose for yet more photos

John, Me and Thomas (they were my podium girls...hehe)

After that we got to watch the finish of the race and swelter in the hot weather.

Stalking Leopard Trek Boys...

Since today we had a village start, it was an ideal time to stalk the Leopard trek Team...

Unfortunately it was pouring with rain, but that didn't stop me, and as soon as the buses had pulled up, I waited outside the bus until they came out (about an hour later) fortunately the bus has a sun/rain shade so I was able to stand under that and dry out a bit.

I got some really good photos of the guys as they are really close to you and although they just want to get on their bikes, they did stay and sign autographs.

Jens Voigt

Frank Schleck


I really wanted a picture of Jakob Fugslang, but he went the other way, and Jens came my way instead so I got his autograph instead (I will get Jakob sometime!)

Then he posed for a photo - Bless :)

Its very crowded at the start, and you have to watch that you don't get run over by a rider or car for that matter and I did get a few photos of other riders going by but I actually have no idea who they are! But it was a great day despite the rain.

Thomas Vockler (I find it easy to always get photos of him!)

Tomorrow we have our first high mountain climb - Luz ardiden

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of you, John and Thomas on the podium. My favorite places to take pictures of the riders are at the start villages and during time trials.

    I know that you will get a photo of Jakob. It is just a matter of when.

    Hey, if you see "the devil", can you please take a picture?? I don't know why, but seeing him makes me smile. A couple of years ago, we were on our way to meet up with you guys and we saw "the devil" on the route. We got to meet him and take pictures. He is quite friendly.

    Good luck on the big climbs!!!
