Tuesday 5 July 2011

Stage 3

Todays stage was a flat stage, though the finish was a slight uphill but that doesn't really slow them down!

We biked about 30km today and we escorted across the finish line and then got to stand on the podium - kind of embassasing because there were thousands of people at the finish!

Me and Brandy on the Podium

after that we had to wait for the finish, and we got a good spot to watch it which was right across the line from the finish, though when the riders come through it is a bit of a blur....

We did get a surprise however when we came back to our bus, because all the team buses had parked around it! HTC was parked right beside us and we were able to see the riders come back to there buses.

Our bus is the blue bus, so we were boxed in by HTC - cool...

Finially here is me driving the bus...actually I don't think Pier would really have liked that...

Opps! I think I ran George over...

Tomorrow we go and visit a chauteu, and we are actually staying in one too!


1 comment:

  1. I love your photo on the podium. What no flowers and stuffed lion??? Yesterday's stage was exciting! Way to go Ty!!!
    I am glad that Thor is still wearing yellow.

    I just peeked at the stage 4 results. I will watch the rebroadcast in a little while. Way to go Cadel!!
