Wednesday 13 July 2011

Thomas Vockler Press Conference

Yesterday I was the only person out of our group who wanted to go and see the Europcar team on the rest day - not sure why no one else wanted to go but it was their loss!!

Anyway, I was shown on the team bus (which never happens) and I got to sit in the seats and have a look around

Then I got to see the truck where they all eat when they are not at the hotel, it was really cool and has a full funtioning kitchen

Then I got to watch the press conference with Thomas Vockler since he has the yellow jersey. The interview was all in French so I didn't understand a word of it, but he does talk  A LOT!

I also got an autograph from him as well.

Earlier in the day we went for a 3hr ride up some pretty steep hills and it was also very hot was well, about 34 degrees, but the place was very beautiful...


  1. Wow! I don't blame you for going to visit the team on the rest day. It is so cool that you got to on the EuroCar Team bus and truck. Even more cool that you were able to get Vockler's autograph.

    When Steve and I were watching the rebroadcast of Stage 9, we actually saw the Custom Getaways location around Le Puy Mary. We reversed the feed and paused it. We actually saw George and Eric. We looked for you, but figured you were off riding.

    The pictures are beautiful!

  2. We were there but on the other side of the road, I was holding a New Zealand flag up!
