Tuesday 26 July 2011

More Leopard Trek Stalking (and a little bit of Saxobank)

Another start village today - which I really do love going to because of the access we have to the teams, perfect for a stalker like me...


Wonderboy/TT (John, you know what I mean by TT...haha)

Andy - he nearly ran me over, not that I'm complaining!

Alberto - a very hard man to get a decent photo of, he keeps hiding and riding really fast past everyone

We went for a short ride (only about 20kms) got rained and hailed on but thats ok we still had a good time. The town we were in I have no idea what it is called, but feel free to tell me if anyone remebers!

Our next hotel was another beautiful Chateux with equally amazing food.

This is the tidy room before my suitcase bomb went off...

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