Friday 22 July 2011

Photo With Jakob!!!

YAY! Finally I got a photo with Jakob Fuglsang, after many, many hours of stalking the Leopard trek bus, I managed to have a photo with him and get him to sign my book.

I was looking awesome cos I had been standing in the rain for 2 hours!

Sorry everybody I can't seem to download anymore photos because the wifi connection is really shite, but I will try at the next hotel :)

I won't post just narratives because they are boring and I know you like to see the photos, so have a little patience and I will catch up on the last few days I have missed when I have a better connection.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you were able to have your picture taken with Jakob! It is a great photo (even after standing in the rain for 2 hours).

    Thank you for sharing your adventure. It is so much fun to read and "see".
