Saturday 16 July 2011

2 Big Climbs in 2 Days (and Liquigas staying at our hotel)

Yesterday we got to climb the Luz Ardiden, which is a 13.3km climb at an average of 7.4% - so pretty steep

We also got to cross the finish line again, so we had to group at the 1km to go banner and ride together across the line - very cool on a HC climb

Looking down the road from the 2km to go banner

Up to the finish line

The finish line

As you can see we had great seats just 10 metres from the finsh, so we saw the awesome win by some Spanish guy (I can't remember his name lol!)


We also got a helicopter ride of the mountain and back to Tarbes, though we had to wait about an hour after the first group had gone, and in the mean time the team cars were parked just below us and the Spanish supporters had mobbed the Euskaltel Euskadi car, very funny to watch because they are just like football suppoters with their songs

Me and Thomas waiting for the helicopter (we were bored and freezing!)

Thomas Vockler getting a ride off the mountain (before us I might add!)

The Col d'Aubisque

Today we climbed the Col d'Aubisque - 16.4km at an average of 7.1% it was a killer!!! I did however, make it up there!!! YAY only took 2.5hrs lol!

The view from "I still have 1km to go"

About 1600m up

The stage winner Thor

And we have team Liquigas staying at our hotel!! though they are rather hard to find as they don't come out very often, but I did see Ivan Basso :)

1 comment:

  1. Incredible photos! I'm glad that you had some great rides. The views of the climbs are beautiful.

    Thor always looks like he is enjoying himself. When you see Ivan next time, please tell him that I said "HI"!!!
