Friday 8 July 2011

Omaha Beach

We started today with a short 30km ride to Omaha Beach (D-day landings) and that was another really nice ride through the country, though it was a bit cloudy and cold today.

We then went on to see the finish of stage 6 at Liseaux, where rain had been threatening all day, and about 15mins before the finish we had a huge downpour and got saturated and then the sun came out for the sprint finish! YAY!

Tomorrow we have a long drive  in front of us and we pick up the next group for the tour.
Today was also the last day of the first tour, so we say goodbye to the first group, who were really cool!

1 comment:

  1. Stage 6 sprint was great!!!! Wish I was there! Since the drive will be along one, are they going to let you steer part of the way? (Scary)
