Friday 8 July 2011

The Chateau and the Mummified Cat

On Tuesday we had a day off the bike and we decided to go and visit the château which was behind the hotel we were staying in. Its called the Château de Combourg, and its actually a fortress, it also has an interesting story about the previous owner and its cat - the Comte of Combourg who had a wooden leg, and had been dead 3centuries ago, appears at certain times accompanied by a black cat.

Well the mummified remains of a black cat (not necessary the black cat) were found in the wall of the chateau and are now proudly on display in a glass case. Ewwwww....

The Château de Combourg

Very nice place though, and very old.

Yesterday we were back on the bike and we had a ncie 50km ride though the Brittany countryside

Thomas was getting us lost again, but nobody cared because it was so nice to ride in the area!

St Milo

We then got on the bus and drove to Saint Mont Michael, having been there before I didn't go all the way up to the top to see the Abbey, instead we got some lunch and watched the TdF on TV!

It was one of our longest days yet, hence the late blogs and we have more long days ahead but I will try to blog at least every couple of days.


  1. What beautiful photos of St. Milo and St. Mont Michael. Thanks for grossing me out with the mummified cat story !!!

    It sounds like you are having a great time.

  2. I am having a great time, haven't watched much of the race yet, but looking forward to going to a start village again and getting some more photos with some of the riders.
