Monday 4 July 2011


Team Time Trial!!

A really exciting day to see the teams in action is the TTT and get lots of really up close pictures.

We got to ride the 23km course today before the stage started, and it was a really nice, flowing course with some little rolling hills. There were lots of people already on the course when we were riding through, so that was cool to have them cheer you on especially at the finish where there were hundreds of people!!

After we finished that we got to go to the start village, where we have special passes to get into the best areas to see the teams warm up. Leopard trek didn't start until 4.47pm so it was a bit of a wait to see them come out and warm up in from of you

Andy Schleck

Frank Schleck in the background

Getting ready to leave for the start


Anyway it was an awesome day, got a bit more sunburnt somewhere else and we spent 2hrs standing by the team buses starving and dehydrated, but some of the teams took pity on us and gave us some water :)

Nice to see leopard Trek got 4th and Cadel Evans only 1 second off the lead, so tomorrow should be another good day as we get to cross the finish line on our bikes and stand on the podium.

1 comment:

  1. Today's stage was awesome. I was happy to see that Leopard-Trek did so so well. Although Garmin-Cervelo and Team Sky were impressive. Glad to see that THOR is in yellow, although I would have been just as happy if Cadel wore yellow. This year has been one of the best TdF starts ever!

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of Fabian, Andy and Frank!
