Sunday 24 July 2011

Yay! WIFI!

Its seems I have to go to Paris to get decent wifi...

Anyway there is a lot to catch up on, starting with the start village where I got the photo with Jakob.

My camera appears to be a yellow jersey maganet - Thomas Vockler again

Frank Schleck

Matthew Goss

This is the beautiful Chateau De Montcaud that we stayed at for 2 days, my room was huge and I really didn't want to leave there!

We didn't ride that day as we had been driving for about 4 hours to get to the hotel, so it was our rest day.

1 comment:

  1. The chateau is beautiful. I love the photos of Thomas Voeckler, Frank Schleck and Matt Goss!!!

    It's hard to believe that the Tour is almost over. I have really enjoyed the contest among Voeckler, Evans and the Schlecks. Any of them had the opportunity to win.
